So I downloaded the raw housing data from each quarter from 1970 to 2011 from and performed some very simplistic analysis using Matlab.
I calculated the change in inflation-adjusted housing prices from each quarter, resulting in 167 values.
Here is a histogram of the change in housing prices from 1970 to 2007 with 15 bins (15 unique x-axis values):
Here is a histogram of the change in housing prices from 1970 to 2011 with 15 bins (15 unique x-axis values):
You can clearly see that from 2007 to 2011, the distribution looks more skewed.
I then performed a Chi-squared goodness of fit test. The output of the test "p" tells you the probability that the distribution is a normal distribution. But be careful here. You can only confidently say that the distribution is not normal when p < 0.05. Otherwise you can't really say much.
Here are the results, depending on the number of bins:
10 bins:
p (1970 to 2007): 0.2097
p (1970 to 2011): 0.0766
15 bins:
p (1970 to 2007): 0.5536
p (1970 to 2011): 0.0021
20 bins:
p (1970 to 2007): 0.2895
p (1970 to 2011): 0.1234
25 bins:
p (1970 to 2007): 0.6482
p (1970 to 2011): 0.2923
So it wasn't unreasonable to assume a normal distribution of housing price changes. Ideally the results should be more granular, and it's a very limited dataset (only 167 values).
The code used to do this was:
[~, p] = chi2gof( quarterly_change(1:150), 'nbins', nbins )
[~, p] = chi2gof( quarterly_change(1:167), 'nbins', nbins )
The lowest value was Q1 of 2008 in which housing prices dropped 7.8% in one quarter. If a normal distribution was used from 1970-2007, then dropping 7.8% in one quarter was 5.4 standard deviations from the mean. Put another way, if we assumed a normal distribution, the chance of getting a drop in prices of 7.8% or greater was .00000002.
normcdf( -.0784, mean(quarterly_change(1:150)), std( quarterly_change(1:150) ) )Put another way, the chance of it dropping between 0% and 7.8% and was 39.8%.
ans = 1.9682e-008
normcdf( 0, mean(quarterly_change(1:150)), std( quarterly_change(1:150) ) ) ...
- normcdf( -.0784, mean(quarterly_change(1:150)), std( quarterly_change(1:150) ) )
ans = 0.39804